IRDVCent3 Catalog
Type the keyword(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Submit button.
Type the keyword you want to find. For example:
  • design
  • bleachers grisham


Multiple words are searched together as one phrase.
Example : world health organization


Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '**' for open-ended truncation, '?' to replace a single character anywhere within a word.
Examples : environment* polic*, inter**, wom?n

Boolean Operators

Use "and" or "or" to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use "and not" to exclude words.
Example : stocks and bonds
Example : (alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation)

Proximity Operators

Use "near" to specify words close to each other, in any order.
Examples : california near university

Field limits

A field limit causes the system to search only the specified field for the specified word(s).